
Pangkalan Data Utama (PADU)

Introduction to PADU

PADU contains individual and household profiles including citizens and permanent residents aged 18 and above in Malaysia. This profile information will be periodically updated through the integration of administrative data from various sources. Through this ecosystem, citizens can perform checks and updates directly within the PADU system.

The Objectives of PADU

  • The establishment of a secure, comprehensive, and near real-time national database for generating periodic analytics and digitalization without loss.
  • Formulating policies and decision-making processes based on data fusion.
  • Balancing fiscal positions through targeted policy implementation.

The Goals of PADU

  • Enhancing the efficiency of Government service delivery systems.
  • Implementing optimization in the utilization of limited resources.
  • Implementing empowerment in the social system through economic and public welfare enhancement.
  • Closing socio-economic gaps by meeting the needs of the people and balancing development.

3 Easy Steps to Register for PADU

Step 1: Basic Information

Registration information must match the details on the Identification Card. Provide a valid and active mobile phone number and email address for receiving the OTP (One-Time Password).

Step 2: Account Verification

You need to enter the OTP received via SMS. A resubmission is required if you do not receive the OTP within the specified time frame or if the submission period expires.

Step 3: Set Password

The password must contain at least 8 characters with a combination of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and special symbols (*%$). This password is required for logging in to the process of checking and updating information.



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