
Borang Nyata Terpinda (BNT)

Taxpayers are allowed to make self-amendments to the information or assessments in the Income Tax Return Form (Borang Nyata) by submitting an Amended Return Form (BNT) within six (6) months after the deadline for submitting the Income Tax Return Form. The amendments can be made due to:

  • Underreported / unreported income;
  • Over-claimed expenses / other claims; or
  • Over-claimed capital allowances / incentives / reliefs.

A complete BNT submission can be made in the following ways:

  • Manual: Sent to the local HASiL office handling the respective income tax files; and
  • e-Filing: Through MyTax, https://mytax.hasil.gov.my > click e-Filing > click e-Borang > select e-BNT C (Note: For corporate taxpayers only).

Please refer to the Amended Return Form Operational Guidelines on the Official HASiL Portal, www.hasil.gov.my > click on Perundangan > select GPHDN 1/2020 – Procedures for Submitting the Amended Return Form under the Operational Guidelines.



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